Mahjong Club 90s Mahjong Bakuhatsu Junjouden Tamura Mitsuaki no Mahjong Seminar Mahjong Gakuen Toumasou Shirou Toujou Tel-Tel Mahjong Apparel Night Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Juku Tahjong Yakitori Tel-Tel Mahjong Sexy Idol Mahjong Fashion Monogatari Mahjong Taikai II Mahjong Gakuen Mild Mahjong Jikken Love Story Mahjong The Mysterious World Mahjong If...? Mahjong G-Men '89 Mahjong Cop Ryu Mahjong Gakuen 2 Mahjong Kyoretsuden All Star Mahjong Kyuukyoku Mahjong Idol Graphic Mahjong The Lady Hunter Mahjong The Lady Hunter Mahjong Erotica Golf Mahjong Jikken Love Story Mahjong Koi no Magic Potion Mahjong Kyoretsuden Nishinihon Hen Evangelion Mahjong Crystal Gal II Mahjong Bijokko Yume Monogatari Mahjong No1 Bay Bridge no Seijo Jongputer Jan Oh! Quest - Hiper Mahjong Adventure Lady Maker Mah Jongg LapTop Night Gal Nerae Top Star Majong Daiyogen Pastel Gal

Mahjong (NES)

Mahjong Koi Uranai Mahjong Hana no Momoko Gumi Mahjong If...? Mahjong Scout Man Mahjong Seiryu Densetsu Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai Mahjong Campus H Mahjong Focus Hot Step Jump Mahjong On The Beach Idol Mahjong Final Romance Mahjong Clinic Zokango Mahjong Taikai III: Millenium League Mahjong Cop Ryu Mahjong Gakuen Toma Sohiro Tojo LAdy Maker Tel-Tel Mahjong Elf All Star Datsui-Jan Akagi Topaiten Oyaji Hunter Mahjong Mahjong La Man Idol Janshi o Tsukucchaou Mahjong Gal no Kaika Super Mahjong Murukin Ban Rong Rong Virtual Mahjong Ojanko High School Mahjong Pachinko Monogatari Mahjong Koi Uranai Quest of Jongmaster Sakurai Akikazu no Jankiryuu Mahjong Hisshouhou

it's estimated that 95% of the videogame format consists of mahjong games. i've put my favourite screenshots here, so that future generations will know what a videogame was.
